We are a registered agribusiness firm, whose core values are
human-centric in every sector of agriculture to increase the living
standards of every low-income farmer, creating value for their farm
produce and connecting farmers, local consumers, introducing to the
global market and investors a quality Nigerian farm and agro-product
to a better agribusiness opportunity to grow impact, funds and earn
great returns. The company consists of a dedicated team of
agriculturist, agropreneurs, and tech professionals, with the best
prove of expertise in their various fields of endeavor providing the
best insights and advice on the most sustainable agricultural
practices to ensure the best profits and efficiencies.
To be ranked first amongst top Agric firms that proffer solutions to the challenges
of agriculture as one of the agendas of sustainable developmental goals.
Why we are GLITE
Glite Farms & Agro, we stand out amongst others as farmers who produce quality and
susbstantial farm output for both consumption and exportation.
Using both the olden and modern-day
application of farming skills and techniques, technologically improved seeds, and farm machinery etc. and we
are committed to expanding our reach in improving living standards for all.
To reform and blend agriculture with the aid of modern digital innovation and
technologies to enhance agribusiness and the supply chain ofs of agriculture while creating employment,
local and international market, raise low-income farmers through our modern techniques, and alternative
wealth for the masses, ensuring accessibility to modern-day Agric-market and services, all from the comfort
of your home.
GLITE FARMS & AGRO is aforemost brewing Agric-firm imbibed with the latest
technological standards to enhance agriculture, exploring the value chains of agriculture to create
sustainable means of income as well producing fresh farm products for both consumption and exportation
(Business 2 Consumers & Busines to Business) using the latest technological standards to ensure financial
security through Agricultural Insurance Corporation to insure all farm projects.